Members of the Sussex County Garden Club returned to visit an old friend on Thursday, September 16. Yes, we gathered once more in the meeting room at the Fredon Municipal Building. We hadn't been there since the February 2020 meeting.
Twenty-six members--including two visitors--arrived to enjoy Linda Zwart's "Garden Glimpses" slideshow. These are photos of members' gardens, and we always try to guess whose garden we're viewing ... This is one of my favorite meetings--it's always nice to see what other people grow in their gardens!
As always, the desserts tasted incredibly delicious, and, with the day being a little on the cool side, the coffee and hot tea were both very welcome.
No raffle items were offered tonight, but who knows what will happen at the next get-together ...
Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 21 when club member Janet Larkin tells us about Square Inch Xeriscaping.
For more information about the club, please contact me at